Message from Master Pierce: Economy

Dear Bushi Ban Family,

I want to thank you for your continued support. I know many are concerned about the economy and it would be a lie to say it isn’t affecting us. However, it is nice to see that so many of you see the true value in Bushi Ban.

I know I mentioned this before… but I loved these two statements made by two of our parents:

“We will become a one car family before we give up Bushi Ban.”
“You are now number 3 on our budget - behind food and housing.”

Personally, I want to tell you what has taken place in my own mind.

A few months ago I was totally caught up in the economy, last days prophecies, the doom and gloom of it all. I was single-handedly bringing it all to pass in my own mind.

And then, I recognized the power my mind had over my real world. The subconscious never sleeps and I was keeping my subconscious and conscious fed with every negative report I could get my hands, eyes and ears on. Do you know someone like that? Maybe you? I decided to take action steps.

I once again began to read one motivational book a month. Scriptures daily. Sincere prayer and meditation. Updated my vision board. Resumed my positive ‘pillow talk’ Watched The Secret a couple times. And here is what made the biggest difference: I QUIT WATCHING NEWS, READING NEWSWEEK AND THE NEWSPAPER. I IMMEDIATELY SWITCH THE RADIO STATION WHEN THE ECONOMY NEWS COMES ON. I IMMEDIATELY TRY TO CHANGE THE TOPIC OF CONVERSATION IF IT IS NEGATIVE OR I AM UNABLE TO BRING A POSITIVE LIGHT TO IT.

An amazing thing happened. My numbers began to rise again in my clinic. Very few students have dropped. Those that have been affected with a job loss have come to us to work out an arrangement to continue lessons and chiropractic care. New students continue to come to us.

I heard last week that our Utah economy is down 10%. Wow, after being up 30% in the previous years. We are still ahead! I would say we still are far ahead of ALL the previous generations. Can you imagine what our ancestors would feel like if they were in our situation? They’d feel like kings and queens!

I am not ignoring the pressing issues - I am taking action steps. Hence, the ‘90 New Students in 90 Days‘. I have more exciting promos coming up that you will all benefit from. The negative others are feeling is giving us our positives. WE at Bushi Ban are striving to be even better for YOU - to give you an unbelievable value for your hard earned dollar. I see us succeeding and from your excellent support and wonderful compliments, I know you agree.

I would like to suggest one more thing.

Let’s support our own Bushi Ban Family. For example:

T & C Tire Factory in American Fork is a wonderful company that has served us well. If you need excellent auto service - go to them like we do.

Troy Thompson of Farmers Insurance will give you a free quote and excellent service. Call him at 801-465-1176 or email him for a quote at

We have lots of business owners in our dojo. These are our friends that need and deserve our support. Look for a Bushi Ban Family Business Board to be up soon. In the meantime, let’s start a network. You don’t have to be a business owner to participate. Let us know where you work.

And most importantly, every night as you kneel to pray, think of your many blessings. This is what should be on your mind as you do your ‘pillow talk’ - not the garbage the media is filling us with.

I love you all!

Master Pierce

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