Date: December 19, 2009
Time: Round Robins begin at 10:00 a.m.
Location: Bushi Ban of American Fork
Entry Fee: $10 per team / $5 per family in the Family Division
Age Brackets: ‘Under 12’ and ‘Over 12’
Prizes will be awarded to the winners in the Under 12 and the Over 12 Divisions
A certificate will be awarded to the Family Division Champions
- Teams will comprise of 4 members. No more than one Bushi Ban member may be on the same team. (The definition of ‘Bushi Ban member‘ means any active student or a family member of the active student). Inactive Bushi Ban members do not count as a member. It is NOT necessary to have a Bushi Ban member on the team.
- Players may be on multiple teams (as long as they pay their share of the entry fees, $2.50 per team).
- Bushi Ban staff and Instructors are welcome and encouraged to compete.
- The team will be placed in either ‘Children’s’ or ‘Adults’ Division according to the age of the oldest player on the team. (ie. Three 5 year olds will play against Adults if an teenager is on the team).
- Guns will be provided by Bushi Ban. You may not use your own weapon in the competition.
- Each team will be given two minutes to become familiar with the gun of competition prior to their first conflict.
- Each gun holds six darts. You may reload using the darts that have been fired at you or use the darts at the center bowl of ammunition. You may NOT start with more than six darts - counting the darts loaded in your gun.
- If a gun breaks down during play, hold your gun up and call ‘Judge - broken gun‘. The game will instantly stop as will the stop watch and no one will move from their current position. The gun will be replaced and the head judge will restart the match.
- Spectators may not assist the competitors by pointing or using any other means of indication of opposing players‘ locations or tactics. A single warning may be given. If the action is repeated, then the competitor may be eliminated by a judge.
- Any part of the player or his gun struck is considered a direct, fatal hit.
- Grabbing another player’s gun is an automatic elimination from the match.
- A rebound off a wall or floor is NOT a fatal hit.
- A deflected dart off a barrier IS a fatal hit.
Game Play:
- Team placements in the brackets will be placed by drawing out of a hat.
- After the coin toss, the teams will have exactly two minutes to map out strategies and find their positions.
- The head referee on the West end will begin the match.
- When a player or his gun is struck by a dart, he will take off his head band and exit the floor to observe the remainder of the match from behind the glass or from the Gold Room located at the SW corner. The player must exit rapidly and give no indication or hints as to where the opposing players are located.
- A judge may also deem a player is out if the player did not recognize he was struck. The judge will yell, ‘Fatal Hit’ and point at the player.
-The match will end when all four members of the same team are eliminated.
-Game Time Limit: Five minutes. If after five minutes an equal number of players from each team are on the floor, we will then go to Sudden Death. The first fatal hit determines the winner.
Playing Field:
- Each side of the room is as identical as possible to the opposite side to make it as fair as possible. However, the reflections in the glass in the windows may be advantageous. This will change as the sun changes position in the sky. It is up to the winner of the coin toss to decide which side of the room they choose to begin on.
-There will be a judge stationed at each side of the room. They will call out ‘Fatal Hit’ and point to the person that was hit. There will be NO debate from the contestant.
- The top two teams from each division will advance in to the single elimination brackets.
- The teams will again be placed in a hat and drawn for their placement in the elimination brackets.
-Play will continue until there is only one undefeated team (in both children and adult divisions).
Only one division:
There are no age limits.
Teams may comprise of any combination of Bushi Ban members.
The family must be related no more distantly then first cousins. Direct in-laws may join a family.
The cost is $5 per family.
All game rules are the same as in the open competition.
The winning team will receive a certificate to proudly display at home!
Release of Liability AND Acknowledgment of Rules
MUST BE SIGNED BY EACH MEMBER OF YOUR TEAM (If under 18, your PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN must sign) and returned before competing.
In submitting this form the undersigned hereby gives permission for the undersigned to participate in the Bushi Ban Nerf Wars 2009.
As parent/guardian of the child listed above, I do hereby release Bushi-Ban of American Fork and Bushi-Ban International, all instructors, employees, office personnel, agents and representatives of the said organization and fellow participants, individually and collectively, from any liability for injury or death to said student while participating in and with Bushi-Ban of American Fork, and I, as parent or legal guardian, do agree to indemnify any loss or expense by reason of any claim by my child.
Notice to consumer: (1) Do not sign this agreement before you read it (2) You are entitled to a copy of this agreement (3) By signing below, you hereby acknowledge and agree that that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by terms, conditions, policies, rules and procedures of this agreement.
Player One:
Player Two:
Player Three:
Player Four: