- Instructor and School Owner of the Utah Headquarters
- 4th Degree Black Belt
- 19 Years Experience in the Martial Arts: Including specialty training in multiple weapons and kick boxing
- Instructor of the Year Award
- Successful participation in multiple tournaments
- Experienced Instructor in women's self defense courses
- Bachelor of Science from Utah State University
- 5 years experience as a social worker: worked mainly in investigating abuse and neglect of children, which required crisis intervention and court appearances, specialized work in my unit of 10 for 2 years
- Professional teacher in a girl's home for teenagers
- 5 year Scouter Award and Duty to God Award
- Primary teacher for 20+ years
- 20+ years of active participation in school and community sports
- Experience in coaching various sports
- Mother of 5 Black Belts
Master Kathryn Pierce, along with her husband Senior Master David Pierce, own and run one of the largest and most successful martial arts schools in Utah. Their three oldest children are Black Belt instructors and are actively involved as well.